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Do It Yourself Emailing

Yes, with patience, time and a smattering of HTML knowledge, you can do this yourself

Responsive Email

If you don't know what responsive is, you better learn. Because it's NOT going away. If you use a smart phone, you know why.
Used to be you had to be code smart and very geeky to conjure up a responsive page for a website. Then you found you had to be geeky in new ways to do the same with email. Now you just have to be a little bit geeky, patient enough to conquer a few new learning curves and have some extra time.
Using an Email Service

This is where you make or break yourself. You HAVE to use a service that supports responsive coding and helps provide it or you'll just make yourself certifiably nuts. Forget sending through your gmail or outlook or hotmail account....or directly via your domain email.

Check these companies out

  • MailChimp (Our favorite)
  • Campaign Monitor
  • Get Response
  • Aweber

They all have some fairly user-friendly capabilities and if you have a geeky staff member who can utilize photoshop (or similar) and has some minimal knowledge of html coding, then you can do it on your own.

All will give you a free trial so you have time to figure out if you want to go solo or go pro.