It's here! It's powerful! It's like a new sports car with a huge engine and 200 MPH capability. Which means it sounds exciting, can feel exhilarating and can result in a pricey speeding ticket or a trip to the ER (or worse)!
AI has its place, but it shouldn't take YOUR place. If you're going to use it, also be sure you don't fall prey to copyright issues, post "fake" facts, or swamp your readers with an overwhelming amount of content. AI can get VERY wordy unless it's instructed properly.
Copyright challenge - Since AI content is "scraped" from the internet, it's not actually original. If you decide to use it, also use a tool like CopyScape to keep you out of legal hotwater.
"Fake" facts - We all know what that means. Again, scraped content isn't looking for the truth.
Information Overload - AI is fast and it feels like its knowledge is limitless (it kinda is). But remember that most people aren't into heavy reading. Get to the point and get there relatively quickly.